Pond Stocking for the 2022 Kid’s fishing derby will be on April 14th at approximately 11:00 AM
(Members only) Hours: Daily Sunrise to Sunset
- Members only. Wear your badges or be able to show them if asked.
- Catch limit, 3 fish per day. (Unlimited catch and release permitted provided barbs on hooks are removed and you must keep injured fish.)
- Absolutely no corn permitted.
- A valid Massachusetts Fishing License is required and you must comply with Mass. Fishing Regulations.
- Do not introduce fish from any other waters into the club pond. (Exceptions: shiners or minnows for bait.)
- Ice fishing permitted.
- Do not leave benches, barrels, or trash on the ice.
- Vehicles are not permitted on the pond’s berms. (Except as required for maintenance.)
For purposes of fish stocking the pond will be closed before fishing derbies. In the interest of safety, the pond and/or ranges may be closed to allow operation of other club functions. Please observe posted signs.
Mass Hunting & Fishing Information:
Use this link to Mass Wildlife Hunting, Fishing and Trapping information including downloadable copies of the 2022 Hunting and Saltwater Guides
Fish Committee Reports
- Eight Point GM 020624 Meeting (1)
- Eight Point GM 030524 Meeting
ANGLER OF THE MONTH-The award for Angler of the Month for June is varied
due to many successful entries. I will break it into categories.
Junior Member award winner is Hunter Gleason. He brought in a 17 ½” Rainbow
on 6/4, a 14” Pickerel on 6/10, a 4 lb. Largemouth on 6/12 and a 19.6”, 4.5 lb.
Largemouth on 6/18.
Senior Member winner is Joe Kulis. He landed several nice fish June 30, mostly
from kayak down the Cape, including a 37” and a 35” Bluefish, and a 39”, 35” and
20” Striper.
Special mentions go to Peter Allaire for his 19” 3.3lb. Smallmouth, and to Casey
Kruger for his 18” Smallmouth and 24” Laketrout.
Great competition, and choosing was not easy. Congratulations to all.
To submit fish for Angler of the Month or for The Freshwater Cup, contact Greg at
gplaflamme@comcast.net or 508-868-4060FISH COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN REPLACEMENT-The Club is continuing its search
for a new Fish Committee Chairman. A couple of members have expressed some
interest. I would like to see a few more members to choose from. Please see
President Charlie Baker if you have interest or questions. My intention is to leave
the position at the end of this year 2024.Submitted by Greg LaFlamme, Fish Committee Chairman
General Membership MeetingFISH COMMITTEE
ANGLER OF THE MONTH-The award for Angler of the Month for April goes to
Cameron Pierce. He landed a 25”, 5.8lb. American Sucker from Banfield Brook,
Madison, NH. He then caught a 25”, 7 lb. Brown Trout from Lake Bomoseen, VT.
Both of these fish are truly outstanding catches and have also been entered into
the Freshwater Cup contest as part of the Wildcard category. Congratulations.
There have been no entries for the month of May, but several for June. I will
announce a June winner at the September meeting. Please send entries to me at
either 508-868-4060 or to gplaflamme@comcast.net for consideration. Please
include your name, date and location of catch, species, length and weight. Send
a photo showing the fish with a ruler measurement please.
FISH COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN REPLACEMENT-The Club continues to look for a
replacement for Chairmanship of the Fish Committee. Please see President
Charlie Baker. The search is now a year old. My intention has been to leave the
position at the end of this year 2024.
Submitted by Greg LaFlamme, Fish Committee ChairmanANGLER OF THE MONTH-2 anglers have turned in catches for consideration. Joe Kulis
went fishing last week and caught 2 Bluefish with the largest at 37” from his kayak in
Herring Cove at Provincetown, and 3 Stripers with the largest at 39” from his buddies
boat, and a 20” from shore on a flyrod and a 35” from his kayak. Casey Kruger went
fishing on Lake George, last month, and brought in an 18” smallmouth and 24” Lake
Trout.FRESHWATER CUP-Hunter Gleason has turned several fish, including a 14” Pickerel, and
17 ½” Rainbow. Peter Allaire brought in a 19” 3.3 lb. Smallmouth. As always, contact
Greg for entries and/or questions at gplaflamme@comcast.net or 508-868-4060.MASS WILDLIFE-July 8 th is Mentoring Mondays: Hunting and Fishing Q&A, virtual. July’s
featured topic is archery equipment practice and maintenance/panfishing. Zoom 6-7pm.
Register on line. July 27 is Women’s Hike and Fish Class in Sterling. It includes a 3-mile
hike at Wachusett Resevoir. 9:30 am to 1 pm. This is for women 15+ years. Details and
register on line. Go to Mass.gov and see Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.FISH COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN REPLACEMENT-The Club is looking for a replacement in
the position of Fish Committee Chairman. Please see President Charlie Baker. I can stay
on during transition and am willing to stay on the Fish Committee if requested.Submitted by Greg LaFlamme, Fish Committee Chairman
ANGLER OF THE MONTH-2 anglers have turned in catches for consideration. Joe Kulis
went fishing last week and caught 2 Bluefish with the largest at 37” from his kayak in
Herring Cove at Provincetown, and 3 Stripers with the largest at 39” from his buddies
boat, and a 20” from shore on a flyrod and a 35” from his kayak. Casey Kruger went
fishing on Lake George, last month, and brought in an 18” smallmouth and 24” Lake
Trout.FRESHWATER CUP-Hunter Gleason has turned several fish, including a 14” Pickerel, and
17 ½” Rainbow. Peter Allaire brought in a 19” 3.3 lb. Smallmouth. As always, contact
Greg for entries and/or questions at gplaflamme@comcast.net or 508-868-4060.MASS WILDLIFE-July 8 th is Mentoring Mondays: Hunting and Fishing Q&A, virtual. July’s
featured topic is archery equipment practice and maintenance/panfishing. Zoom 6-7pm.
Register on line. July 27 is Women’s Hike and Fish Class in Sterling. It includes a 3-mile
hike at Wachusett Resevoir. 9:30 am to 1 pm. This is for women 15+ years. Details and
register on line. Go to Mass.gov and see Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.FISH COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN REPLACEMENT-The Club is looking for a replacement in
the position of Fish Committee Chairman. Please see President Charlie Baker. I can stay
on during transition and am willing to stay on the Fish Committee if requested.Submitted by Greg LaFlamme, Fish Committee Chairman
ANNUAL ONE HOLER ICE FISHING CONTEST-will be held on Saturday January 27 th , pond conditions
permitting. Members only. $5 entry fee toward a 50/50 raffle as in the past. See Greg to enter.
BLOCKHEAD ICE OUT CONTEST-will be held again, pond conditions permitting. Members only. $5
enty fee toward a 50/50 raffle as in the past. Pick a day of the month for “ice out” of the Club Pond
when the “block falls through the ice. Block will be placed on One Holer fishing day. See Greg to
enter. gplaflamme@comcast.net or call 508-868-4060.
ANGLER OF THE YEAR AWARD 2023-Several members turned in some nice fish this year. These
included Casey Kruger, Dave Pineo Jr., Rich Pineo, Carl Hewitt, Brian Baird, Jameson Bastarche,
Cameron Pierce and Junior member Kiley Kruger. Of special note, both JR and Rich Pineo were able to
get me to catch a couple of nice fish on both of their boats. Imagine that! This years award goes to
Casey Kruger for his many fish caught in both fresh and saltwater and for working diligently on the
Fish Committee as well. Congratulations!
FLATULATOR OF THE YEAR-Of special note, we recognize Joe Salluce for his being the first winner of
the award back in the last millenium. He receives a hat as the First Foist. This year 2023 saw some
spectacular competition. The featured presenting auditioners included especially Paul Nourse, JR
Pineo Tom Pierce, Joe Salluce, Dave Pineo Sr., Casey Kruger and Jerry Boynton as the usual suspects.
It is my displeasure to present the award for 2023 to JR for his outstanding year long performance.
The Club is looking for a replacement for Chairman of the Fish Committee. Please see President
Charlie Baker if interested. I will be around for transition and will stay on the Fish Committee if asked.
This is a chance to become involved in the workings of the Club, and is a lot of fun.
Submitted by,
Greg LaFlamme, Fish Committee Chairman
ANGLER OF THE MONTH-No entries since last month. If you have an entry to make please send to me
as soon as possible. Please submit date, species, weight and length of catch and location, plus any
other information you would like to add. Contact gplaflamme@comcast.net or 508-868-4060.
ANGLER OF THE YEAR award will be presented next month at the Annual Meeting on January 2, 2024.
ANNUAL ONE HOLER ICE FISHING CONTEST-will be held tentatively on January 27, 2024, pond
conditions permitting. Members only. $5 entry fee toward a 50/50 raffle as in the past. See Greg to
BLOCKHEAD ICE OUT CONTEST 2024-will be held again, pond conditions permitting. Members only.
$5 entry fee toward a 50/50 raffle as in the past. Pick a day of the month for “ice out” of the Club
Pond when the “block” falls through the ice. Block will be placed on One Holer fishing day. See Greg
to enter.
The Club is looking for a replacement for the Chairman of the Fish Committee. Please see President
Charlie Baker. I will be around during transition and will stay on the Fish Committee. We are looking
for some new blood and maybe some new ideas.
Submitted by,
Greg LaFlamme, Fish Committee Chairman
ANGLER OF THE MONTH-Additional award for the month of June, a later submission, goes to Jameson
Bastarche for his 44” Striper caught out of Newburyport. So he will be recognized in a tie with a
saltwater entry, with all the other June winners. No submissions yet for July. August award to
Cameron Pierce for 2 very large largemouths caught on the 27 th . September award to Brian Baird for
his 14lb., 30” Laker from Lake Erie. Honorable mention to Carl Hewitt for his 2.7 lb. 18” Rainbow from
the Quabbin. Congratulations to all. Please continue to submit entries to Greg at 508-868-4060 or
gplaflamme@comcast.net .
ANNUAL ONE HOLER ICE FISHING CONTEST- will be held, tentatively, on Saturday January 27 th , pond
conditions permitting. Members only. $5 entry toward a 50/50 raffle as in the past. See Greg to
BLOCKHEAD ICE OUT CONTEST 2024-will be held again, pond conditions permitting. Members only. $5
entry also toward a 50/50 raffle as in the past. Pick a date for “ice out” of the Club Pond when the
“block” falls through the ice. Block will be placed on One Holer fishing day. See Greg to enter.
Again, the Club is looking for a replacement Chairman for the Fish Committee. Please see President
Charlie Baker. I will be around to help in transition and staying on the Fish Committee. Looking for
some new blood and maybe some new ideas.
Submitted by,
Greg LaFlamme, Fish Committee Chairman
Cameron Pierce provided a nice under water video of the Eight Point Pond. To view the video just click the link below:
Pond Video link.
Greg LaFlamme Fish Committee Chairperson
8PT Fishing Pond Pond (Panorama)
Kids Fishing Derby 2019